Well, here we go again, week 3 of Interactive Development. This seems like a more advanced topic. So basically we are learning <input> tags and <form> tags, that will be useful for getting information. Z-indexes seem quite useful for overlaying elements over another. Flexbox is quite a useful thing. We are able to position elements together or spacing. This seems very useful for my website about Linux, oh yeah, I forgot to mention we need to make a website. Basically, we need to make a website with HTML, CSS and JS, we need to design the front-end and accessibility options, use a source-control (eg Git & GitHub). Basically I am gonna code a website to show how user-friendly Linux is, and maybe some cool features of Linux. We also have to make it so that it is Responsive and works on all platforms. Last but not least to practice CSS’s flex capability, we used this website called FlexBoxFroggy to learn. Here’s the link: https://flexboxfroggy.com/ Alright, finally here is my CA’s for this week. CA1 is a input form, which I put my twist on. CA2 is mostly about the Z-Indexes and overlaying of elements. CA3 is about flex elements and media tags, eg Desktops vs Mobile responsive. Right, I will end it off here, see you guys next week.